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Messages - Nehalem

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General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:57:44 PM »
If you're reading this Plasma, Ataris is continuing to prove my point that you have a large cancerous growth in your community that needs treatment. Take a look at Ataris's pages of chat spam directed at me here:

Then check his steam account names and notice that hes impersonating me with names like:


Just look at all of those rules being broken.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:36:26 PM »
Im still 99% positive you hax

You're a 0.79 K:D player.  :D

99% is pretty high though, that would make one seem like you had some kind of proof. Do you have any to post? No suspicious ticks? Demos? Nothing?

Thanks for the update.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:53:35 PM »
Nehalem you'd be a great proof-reader, the amount of effort you put into defending yourself.  I know you spend at least 3 hours each time writing a post.  Your attitude is sick.  Talking down upon this server ask if you own it.  I don't know why Plasma hasn't banned you yet alone for being a jackass if not for being an obvious cheat.  Keep sitting on that high horse stool and write your lenghty posts claiming you have a bigger head than we do.  We're not stupid.  there are countless number of people who get banned for disrepecting others and admins and you should too (dave).  Not only are you a fucking fraud but you're a piece of shit.  If you are so legit this thread would've ended a long time ago but we all know you're some overweight loser who can't control his mouse and has to toggle and write novels to defend himself.  I'm done.   KEEP GOING.

Quality post. You have done an excellent job proving that you belong in that shit stain portion of the regulars here at Hyperion that was mentioned earlier. I know the truth hurts at times but sometimes you have to accept reality. I'm not the one disrespecting people and breaking rules here. Defending against corrupt admins and hackusations with facts doesn't mean I'm being a "jackass". I don't cheat, you're just a salty TF2 player who can't handle getting killed in a video game.

I'm glad you're done Ataris. Please hold true to that claim and never post in this thread again considering that you're not the admin or server owner nor are you being constructive in any way.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:20:29 PM »
Been some time since i posted, time to get back into this shitthread!

You have yet to proof that this Lotus guy you keep bringing up is actually who he claims to be and not just your alt. account. because you kids are still not friends on steam lol. oh and being a tf2center moderator means 0 shits. most moderators are like iron division players lol. man and if u like lotus so much why cant u just go play there with ur lotus admin buddy? im sure u two would have a blast playing together on badwater!

Nano posted here (proloser) with a link to their forums. Please feel free to contact both of them to verify that they are who they say they are. Nano even tried to contact Plasma on steam. What else do you need?

You guys are hilariously desperate.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:00:40 PM »
Please do leave, go ahead make your own server and live in your fantasy community where people sit around and let you bone them constantly.

I forgot to respond to this idiocy. A TF2 center moderator and the co-leader of Lotus clan has backed me as being legitimate and not cheating at all. Lotus has 85 servers with many times more players. Hyperion consists of two servers, one of which is always empty. These guys have much more experience with reviewing cheaters than anyone here does. I'm not banned on Skial or Lotus or Valve servers or anywhere except for a illegitimate ban at newbstf2. As much as you want it to be, finding a different server to play on wouldn't be difficult or as you put it, a fantasy.

"Right now Hyperion is a server ran by regulars and admins who make their own rules which includes crying hax on better than average players in order to keep the skill level down in the server. If Plasma is ok with that as long as the donations keep reaching the quota then I'm OK with that too. I would have just left without ever saying anything but it completely contradicts the very fair and normal rules that have been posted."

Seriously dude?  "I'm OK WITH THAT TOO" Who do you think you are?  So you run this server too?

lol look at the way you defend yourself and explain our community, like we're supposed to put yuou in a chair and treat you "differently" since you like to type page long defenses and accuse ALL of us as being lower than you.  There are a lot of factions here that argue and disagree on things all the time, but we ALL agree you're a cheat and a jerk.  You show absolutely no respect and you continue to talk down upon everyone and even "threaten" the admins to accuse them of being pathetic administrators just because they make a decision. 

You my friend are an effing idiot.

  The only reason any of them have formed poor opinions of me is because they assume I cheat and since I don't cheat their opinions are spurious. Having a shit stain portion of the community think that I cheat without any proof doesn't bother me as long as they follow the rules. But they're breaking the posted rules with constant hackusations and shit talking. Especially funny when a couple admins join in on it.

I never asked the server to treat me in a different way. I'm not sure how you came up with that after reading what you quoted. If the server rules said: "This server has no rules, it's basically an anarchy, have fun!" which is how things are actually ran then I would have laughed and left without creating a forum account and posting anything.

Instead the rules that aren't being enforced are here:

The rules are in place to ensure players have an enjoyable time on the server.

The TF2 server rules are as follows:
  • No foul language. Be polite and respect all players.
  • No douchebag behavior. No offensive sprays or names.
  • Do not impersonate another player or clan.
  • No racism. No name calling.
  • No cheating, hacking and exploiting.
  • Do not stack teams. No spawn camping.
  • Respect all admins and do not pretend to be one.

 Either the server owner doesn't know how things are being ran or the posted rules need to be changed.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:55:33 PM »
Please do leave, go ahead make your own server and live in your fantasy community where people sit around and let you bone them constantly. Being like you said you haven't seen such terrible admins or such a terribly run server, why do you still come to the forums to spew bullshit and play on the server and act like the server is gonna change just for you?

Asking that the server's admins follow and enforce it's own rules. Only a biased idiot would consider that a bullshit request. I would enjoy playing here if things were changed because the new maps are fun and I get a good ping to the server.

When people receive complaints about something they have a chance to address the problem with a solution. Having the server follow it's own rules and mute/gag toxic players who break those rules would be good for everyone now and in the future, it's not just for me, it's in the best interest of the server.

Right now Hyperion is a server ran by regulars and admins who make their own rules which includes crying hax on better than average players in order to keep the skill level down in the server. If Plasma is ok with that as long as the donations keep reaching the quota then I'm OK with that too. I would have just left without ever saying anything but it completely contradicts the very fair and normal rules that have been posted.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 17, 2014, 03:16:03 PM »
This is the most legitimate thing I think you've ever posted so far. I, along with the rest of the community, couldn't agree more. Enforcer didn't abuse any power, he used the power of any player on the server to type in voteban and pick a name.
You seem to be very confused. I never said Enforcer abused admin powers. The only admin that I have seen abusing any powers and breaking rules is womentiger. The ban I was discussing was a permanent ban (that was later lifted) that an unknown admin gave me for aimbotting without a demo to provide any proof. Something that a voteban cannot accomplish.

 I said that he shouldn't have admin powers because of the simple fact that admins on servers exist to enforce the rules which is something that he doesn't do. The server chat is consistently laced with profanity and insults that these two admins join in on instead of eliminate.

I have a problem with two clueless admins in voice and text chat discussing potential cheaters instead of recording a demo and asking experienced individuals to review it. Two admins that don't possess the knowledge of what is and isn't humanly possible in this game. Until a ban is decided or VAC/SMAC catches anything, you keep your mouth shut along with shutting any other regulars up too as a sign of respect because you have no clue if the person is cheating or not.

But that doesn't sound like normal behavior to you people because it has been made clear that most of you are biased as fuck.

 If Plasma decides to serve justice and not ban me because there is simply no proof of it, I would be hesitant to continue playing on these servers unless things changed. I would prefer that things were changed in a positive way but if things didn't change I would still struggle to decide on staying and bathing in the tears or running away from this cancerous community.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:19:34 PM »
Eight people typed "voteban" into the chat, picked your name, and chose hacking as the reason. Then 20 different "toxic individuals" voted yes to ban you and you were banned for 30 minutes and no one said anything about whether or not it was justifiable. SmilE and Enforcer were both on at the time. Lying this late in the game really makes you look bad. If banning you for hacking in the first place wasnt enough, I think you gave the whole community a good enough reason through this whole thread alone.

I was never kicked from the server for any voteban. It might have been a situation where I was kicked for a reserved slot and the vote was started before I was disconnected or the kick from the voteban said reserved slot as a bug.

Enforcer is one of those toxic individuals who shouldn't have any admin powers. You shouldn't be discussing potential cheaters in chat or voice chat nor allowing anyone else to do so.

 When admins are allowed to behave this way without enforcing the rules then the regulars will agree with pretty much anything. And just because it passes when I was offline or online, it doesn't mean a single thing, again, just a bunch of salty kids that are frustrated about getting killed in a first person shooter. They wouldn't be voting if the admins and few toxic regulars didn't behave the way they have been allowed to. Nobody ever started a voteban for the first 200+ hours of playtime on Hyperion because toxic players and admins weren't influencing them.

And were you mentioning that original ban for hacking that was put in place without a demo? Thank you for bringing it up because it's another fine example proving that this server needs to clean up the trash.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 17, 2014, 03:35:49 AM »
Plasma probably doesn't want to waste his time reading through the mountain of bullshit that you've successfully built up on these forums and I don't blame him. And I love how you say a few toxic players when about 20 players voted yes to ban you a couple of nights ago. Or the "stupid lynch mob" as you politely put it.

I was never kicked from the server? Unless there was a vote for someone that wasn't even connected, in that case, great job lmao. It wouldn't be too surprising that those toxic individuals that cry hacks got others to vote yes. It's the default vote when you're tired of getting fragged.

And it is a 100% stupid lynch mob because I'm not talking shit or mic spamming or taunt sliding or breaking a single rule. There's just a bunch of salty kids throwing a fit about hacks that aren't there.

And nothing would be posted here on the forums if Plasma replied to his PM's.

Plasma is not doing a poor job of running these servers you twat.

Sure is.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:39:36 PM »
To those who think it's strange that I am outplaying UGC players, maybe I'm as good or better than some of them? Being better than them and not being interested in playing in a league doesn't provide proof of any cheating. When competent players see me and pursue me, my KD is low and at what most people wouldn't suspect as anything fishy.

When I said that I couldn't keep up in platinum I meant the top of platinum and not the gutters where you have no chance of competing for the championship.

On the 14th I recorded every single frag. I also had a KD higher than 90% of my previous sessions at 7.68. Here they are:

I also included a map from the 15th because DrunkUncle creamed his panties after a shot on a scout on half acre at around the 50200 tick. Another lucky shot was on upward where I spun around and flicked and got the spy point blank that was trying to shoot me (around the 60700 tick) . Those are the only crazy shots that I can remember.

Anyways. This is all that I can do to try to convince my innocence. Since all frags were recorded you can see if anything was toggled on or off or whatever other bullshit you guys are claiming. I also performed well above what my stats page shows.

Plasma, whether you decide to illegitimately ban me or not, I feel that you're doing a poor job running these servers. A couple bad admins and a few toxic regulars are normal for any server but it's up to you to not give admin to these people or to revoke it from them and to enforce the rules that have been posted and you're simply not doing any of that. Under no circumstances should this situation have played out this way.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:40:34 PM »
lol are u an idiot? what u just said doesnt apply to anything rofl. u killing someone else the same number of times as they are killing you doesnt mean anything. what matters is how many people u kill in addition to u killing that one specific person (drunk uncle as an example). obviously u having the highest KPD and other stats in the ENTIRE server (apart from a few players that joined for a few minutes then left) means that you manage to get a very impressive number of players in-between.
im literally speechless as to how this has to do with anything. apparently if i can kill you on a 32 payload spamfest server it means you're not hacking?

offtopic: congrats to nehalem for hitting the 100% forum activity bar. an achievement worth commemorating.

It proves plenty. If you're not a complete potato then you won't have any problem killing me and this is proven in the stats page. Just because I can repeatedly snipe permanently revved up heavies like Enforcer it doesn't mean I'm cheating.

"your stats are too good therefore you're a cheater"

That seems fair.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:07:41 PM »
I said against me. Just because I can pick off more low skilled players doesn't mean I'm cheating. At the bottom of the stats page you can click KPD twice. For an example, during the last two weeks I have killed you 25 times and you have killed me 25 times. The hacks are unreal right?

This ishank troll has actually killed me more times than I have killed him. The irony.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:55:24 PM »
I am on the edge here. First off, why would start a thread of people accusing you of cheating? Yes, people accuse you of cheating and also an admin but who gives a f*%&$. They got nothing on you. So what do you do? You move on. It is not until you see the situation getting out of control and you actually see that you are on the brink of getting banned is when you step in. This thing got out of control BECAUSE you started these threads. Multiple threads to be exact which draws even more attention to yourself. And if you base off people calling you cheating people like bobertz, then you should simply ignore it. Obviously you havent been here on hyperion long enough to see that bobertz and other brainless players here that nothing productive have come out of their chat except pure profanity. Yea, an admin accuses you of cheating, but its tiger. Tiger is just tiger. Yea, muting you wasnt right by his part either.

I made the thread because people are crying hax in voice chat. Two admins talking shit (calling me an asshole) and mentioning a demo in the admin section showing my hax. If it was just regulars then I would still want an admin to enforce the rules and shut them up. It's very rude to listen to that shit all day. Just check bobertz chat log lol.

The thread was meant to show that I wasn't hiding anything from them and was willing to provide anything asked of me. it was meant to silence the crowd, not stir it.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:51:53 PM »
idk if ur high but i dont remember revels ever pocketing me he plays sniper not medic lol. 

His KDR, KDA, and KPM are on-par/higher than those of professional players that received money playing this game. Nehalem says that he's not good enough for competitive. LOL that's obvously wrong as based off his stats he's already fucking ready to move up into the highest echelons of competitive tf2 and do just fine there.

That is inflated because of the skill level of my opponents can be low at times (bobert/womentiger level). June and drunk uncle think I cheat but I can still be an adult and accept that they're both good at this game and when people like that are stacked on the other team I don't get 5+K:D anymore. Kaitrez/gatling joe/matsuba/Hng/Max!/r$/.badwolf and more that I can't remember off the top of my head right now have no problem outplaying me. There are many players here who I struggle to go 1:1 against.

I said I wasn't good enough for high level play because I have played against platinum/invite players and watched their streams on twitch, I'm not even close.

you still using your 3k hours and 9 year badge as a defense? I thought we went over this as i showed u examples of 2 people with more hours than you that have been found to be cheating. i guess if 2 isnt enough, i can always bring up more examples

The above post mentioned if I was being truthful about the hours and badge so I put that there.

General Discussion / Re: For the people accusing me of cheating
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:35:12 PM »
About my hours played and the 9 year steam badge, I must have forgotten to add it here.

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