Team Fortress 2 > Complains/Bans

Complaints and Bans Information Thread


Complaints and Bans

This is an information thread for complaints and bans.


If you have a complaint against another player, you may send an email to . Do not post on the forums about complaints toward another player. Here are the guidelines:

* Before you submit a complaint, read our Server Rules.
* Include the player's in-game name and SteamID (ie. STEAM_0:0:12345). You can find the player's SteamID in-game by typing status in console
* Describe the issue
* Include links to materials such as pics, videos, and demosPlease be objective when submitting a complaint. A heavily opinionated message will only cloud the issue.

Ban Appeals:

You can submit a ban appeal directly on our SourceBans page here. Read the first two guidelines below before submitting a ban appeal.

You may also post in this forum. Here are the guidelines:

* Before you post, check our SourceBans page for information on why you were banned.
* Read our Server Rules.
* Include your name and SteamID
* Describe why you should be unbanned
Submit a Ban:

If you have definite proof against a cheater or hacker, you can submit a ban directly on our SourceBans page here. Please be sure to include a demo, or links to videos or pics.

See this thread for how to record a demo.


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