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Messages - Hubris

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The payload server admins are incompetent. This has resulted in the server becoming a toxic place where certain individuals continue to cyberbully each other to the detriment of everyone. There's also a lack of ability to perform basic functions, some as simple as setting the next map or banning cheaters before they get bored and leave on their own.

Please consider this my formal application to become an admin on the Hyperion Gaming TF2 Payload server.

Your handy friend,

Can you provide some examples of your claims?

General Discussion / Re: admin complaint
« on: August 06, 2016, 07:21:09 PM »
1) I wasn't the only one complaining. Other people were going to votekick you.

2) Please show me a map where you are allowed to shoot over walls from the first point (of four points) to the last point. There is a large wall there for a reason. You're not supposed to be able to shoot over walls like that.

3) Also this isn't your first rodeo with doing this type of shit. Don't act all innocent.

Servers Feedback / Re: Custom Maps/Additional Maps on the Payload Server
« on: August 04, 2015, 02:23:48 PM »
But please tell me who are these magnificent unicorns because I am not seeing them on the server. I am mostly seeing people who are asking for the custom maps and such. It makes no sense to have the threshold that high for the custom maps especially when the non-votes (i.e. the people who don't even bother to push a number to vote) count as a NO vote.

So basically if there are only like 25 people voting on the server, then basically anyone who wants to play anything new is screwed.

To me as I previously said, this is a really inefficient system. This is not a bad change for the server and I am not sure why there is any sort of pushback on something that is so minor and could improve the server. You could even test it out to see how it goes v.s. making it something permanent right away. I highly doubt you would see a decrease in server traffic.

There are other successful servers that do this, so this isn't a totally crazy idea. Wolf, you play on the servers regularly so you know what I am saying is not crazy. Where are all the other admins on here?

Servers Feedback / Re: Custom Maps/Additional Maps on the Payload Server
« on: August 03, 2015, 05:24:08 PM »
I guess it isn't so much that maps are updated. I guess the way in which to get the admins to do a manual vote and such is very inefficient and such. You might as well take them off because by the time someone persuades the admin to do a custom vote and then they hastily put one together, we still run into the problem of the voting threshold being too high (and then we run into the problem that enough people

I guess having the option to nominate would be a really good compromise and breathe some new life into the server.

Servers Feedback / Custom Maps/Additional Maps on the Payload Server
« on: August 01, 2015, 10:02:18 PM »
Normally I wouldn't post here, but I guess it is warranted in this case.

I am a regular on the payload server and I donate. I guess that doesn't mean too much, but take it for what it is worth.

Would it be possible to add maps to the rotation, specifically more custom maps? Currently, these maps can only be played when an admin is on and after they have to be asked to do a vote. This is really not an efficient or an effective system. Why? Because usually the custom vote reads, "Play x next? Yes or no?" Now I am not criticizing the admins. I know they are following what they are told to do or whatever. But half the time, the vote threshold for these votes is really high (especially when there are only two options). Like with any sort of server vote, there are a lot of people who don't vote which counts as a NO vote. So when you need something like 70 percent, you end up with the situation we had tonight. There were like 15 people who voted yes and 4 people who voted no. The vote failed because 16 YES votes were needed.

It would be nice if we didn't have to play Barnblitz every 4th map change. New maps can help keep the server alive when people have already played the same map a few times in the same gaming period.

I also feel that some of the admins could speak to this as they often get bombarded with requests for these votes, but maybe (this is me taking a guess) they feel hesitant because they don't want to get in trouble if one person doesn't like it. However even though people don't flock to the forums to post about this doesn't mean that there isn't a demand. Most people (from what I see from lurking) don't post and I normally wouldn't post either.

In short, there is a demand to add new maps to the rotation. The current system for playing these maps is inefficient and ineffective. There is demand for newer maps to be added to the rotation so we don't have to depend on (1) when an admin is on; (2) for them to trigger ad-hoc vote(s); and (3) to add variety to the server.

I know I am not the only person who has this opinion either. There are a lot of regulars (who also happen to be donators) that also feel this way. Perhaps reaching out would be one way of gauging this interest. I don't know?


General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourselves
« on: February 19, 2014, 11:29:19 PM »
I suppose I have to post here.

Anyways. I usually play on the West Coast Payload.

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