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Messages - ohsavethechildren

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourselves
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:06:00 PM »
Hello, on Steam I'm Quick!SaveTheChildren. I vaguely remember playing the first TF game and the one distinct detail I recall was being backstabbed by spies. I find myself playing a lot of FPS type games (RTCW, UT2004, Killing Floor, Borderlands1/2) and puzzle games.

I only recently started getting interested in TF2 and when I play online I tend to look for servers where people are chatting while playing. The Hyperion server seems to fit that just fine, and the people seem nice enough. The people you play with make all the difference between a fun time and a rage-roid-unpleasant session, I think.

Hope to see you guys around!

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