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Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:03:54 PM »
I'm posting this to appeal my recent ban that I received for "Trolling/Griefing".
I've been playing for a long time on this server as Drunk Uncle as many of you know me by. This one week ban I received is unfair and I would like to list my reasons why I have this opinion. I know it was because of all of this commotion of the few of us players who all got together and changed our names and started to play on the same teams with each other and it seemed to have upset the community. I can see why people might feel this way but I hardly believe anyone could say that I was truly "Trolling/Griefing" anyone on the server at any time. I never once poked fun at any individual or was once told to stop playing under the alias "Outback Jack". http://stats.hyperiongaming.org/player_histories/chat/225421 This is a link to my chat history and as everyone can see I never directly sent any message to any individual. In my aliases, you can see I only had the {EMC} tag in my name when it was made public to everyone that we were allowed to use it and were breaking no rules by doing so.
I never changed the way I played after changing my name, I was just doing what I have been doing for nearly the past year now, just under a different name. I don't feel this deserves a week long ban for a loyal, longtime donator of the community who wasn't given a single warning or has ever had trouble with any players. 
If I did upset anyone by changing my name or stacking teams(which I admit, I have joined red 90% of the time for nearly the past year), I apologize.
Thank you for considering this appeal.
"But if you were right and someone was using a bot then recording a demo and posting it here and having someone experienced review it tick by tick would reveal that bot and you could "catch" me."
"I was never kicked from the server?"


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 09:02:32 PM »
Exactly what i said in my post. You guys were never directly pointing at someone except that time when Crocodile Hunter did change his name to enforcer. I also saw nor heard any foul play so I saw your ban as a complete surprise. Well, hopefully you get the unban. I truly want to hear what the people that want you banned have against you. But instead, Dave is probably going to lock the thread to avoid such discussion.


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 02:27:08 AM »
Why would you change your name and constantly team stack if you're a loyal member. You knew people were getting pissed and your group kept raping the server. As a loyal member would it be better to wreck
other members enjoyment of the server or to enhance our enjoyment? It seems selfish to just fuck
with people who are playing a game to relax.


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 07:28:41 AM »
Honestly Uncle, I had no idea it was you until I saw "Outback Jack" is playing TF2 pop up on my friends list.....and can I say...I was rather disappointed, Enforcer too. Though, I understand now, after talking with another person that some people didn't know/understand the issue Vhalin and friends...(Sadly that included you) were causing. A lot of it was dealt with via Steam chat/PMs/behind the scenes on the forums until recently so it's understandable.

Vhalin took offence to Enforcer for whatever reason. He started mocking him, using his name, and tagging up, when not invited. Yes, Enforcer finally relented and said they could tag up, but reluctantly. It was an attempt to keep the community together because people where threatening to leave. (Yes, including EMC, but friends of too, and just Hyperion regulars not associated with EMC at all.) And no, not just over the tags but because Vhalin and friends can be, and have been disruptive in other ways..(ie: Aussie themed names/avatars to instigate)...and again, no, team stacking had little to do with it. Though they want people to think they where banned for team stacking/"being too good"......yeah, ok. Seems they needed their egos fed. Hyperion doesn't mind friends playing together. It gets a little iffy when people start avoiding the auto-balance to rejoin their previous team though. I, like you, have always just preferred to play red, as do many of my friends. I will however not switch back if auto-balance changes my team. (By going AFK/leaving then rejoining) Sure, it sucks, but that to me, is what team stacking is. Continually leaving one team in favour of another to avoid auto-balance.

Here's my opinion. If you wanted to be EMC, you simply needed ask me or Enforcer. I would have easily endorsed your addition. All EMC is is a group of friends who like to play the game, have fun, and not be real d-bags. (Yes, we get a bit snippy at times when teams are being dumb but we are not ass holes just to be ass holes!!! *coughENChackweeze*) You got a week ban, as did another. Others where perma-banned. If you honestly didn't know about the issues, and have no plans to continue, I'm in favour of lifting your ban. Unfortunately I don't make these decisions/have the power, but when the people who do see this, and if they want my opinion, there it is.

I hope to see you in game at some point either way. Short of your name change, I've never had issue with you and frankly, I though you where a good addition to the community. (Meaning you try, nor are you disruptive.) This whole thing just sucked on several levels!!


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2014, 09:05:52 AM »

....and, it would go a long way if you and that aforementioned person would leave ENC. It was a troll group set up by trolls. Being a member kinda endorses it in my view. Just my opinion, do as you feel needs doing, or not doing, whatever. But yeah, it would go a looooong way in my book!

It seems, relying on a crap memory, they have already lost few people...good on them!!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 09:07:26 AM by Wolfpup »


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2014, 10:29:52 AM »
I have left this group, Wolfpup and I just wanna say for the record I have been a donor this whole time so I was never avoiding autobalance. If teams were scrambled I never went out of my way to abuse to AFK system or left the server to rejoin any of the others I was previously playing with. As I know some of those I was playing with were guilty of this.

And to Vic-Dog, like I said, I never changed the way I was playing, I was simply playing with other guys who were good, I was always joining red like i usually did, playing demo or engineer most the time. We were never once raping the server with three medics kritzing one demo which I know a few people with whom this is the case and no one ever causes any drama over that. No rules broken. My name/avatar were the only issue at hand and both have been changed since then.
"But if you were right and someone was using a bot then recording a demo and posting it here and having someone experienced review it tick by tick would reveal that bot and you could "catch" me."
"I was never kicked from the server?"


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2014, 10:53:57 AM »
Thanks for that. :)

Please don't think I was accusing you specifically of doing that, but some ENC were. It was more a general statement on my opinion of team stacking. As I have said in game many times, team stacking is not the issue normally, it's more a case of try and don't try.

Both Enforcer and myself have many a times switched to the "non-stacked team" to help, and they have 6 snipers, 3 spies, 4 scoots no medics and a random mix of the rest......no shit you're losing....but it's apparently easier to call *team stack. Were I would, and have in these instances, start berating my team to try.....and it usually works. Not always, but usually.

*Even when I know many on the "non stacked team" to be great players, they simply don't want to try at that point in time. So yeah, no team stacking, just lack of effort.

Plus, "ya can't win them all". Just cause a team loses, doesn't mean the other was stacked.


Oh, and if berating my team doesn't work, I too then just play what I want, to try and have fun, screw teamwork, til I see more of an effort from my team. One can only piss and moan so much.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 10:56:18 AM by Wolfpup »


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 12:23:43 PM »
DrunkUncle, thanks for the post.

I'll look into this further when I'm home from work. If you want to, you can add me on steam to chat. My steam community id is LDave.


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2014, 02:56:21 PM »
hi drunk
I didn't instigate the ban (it was teh constant complaints from regulars and the posts) i don't have that power its basically up to Dave but like wolf pup i didn't have any idea that you were part of that group i have 300 people + on my friends list so i i don't keep track of changing names and i had deleted you instead of checking your other names as i was going to leave if the shit kept flying and i didn't want them following me.  I had so many complaints coming though to my steam friends list that id had enough.  I agree with wolf pup we have played together for years on this server with no issues.  I think you got caught up in the shit with all the changing names and the team stacking and just general griefing trolling etc etc that has been going on for a few months now.  I hope Dave lifts your ban we want to encourage donators and fair play and a community spirit

 Let me just add the others deserved the ban as did jamdingo when it happened.  If its not apparent by now I will reiterate, trolling, stacking, griefing and general douche bagery wont be tolerated by anyone period and its the admins job to enforce it which we will
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 03:05:30 PM by Enforcer{EMC} »


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2014, 04:03:26 PM »
I talked to DrunkUncle, and the ban has been removed.


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2014, 04:51:57 PM »
Thanks Dave.


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2014, 04:56:06 PM »
thanks dave


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Re: Outback Jack/Drunk Uncle recently banned
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2014, 09:54:59 PM »
I have left this group, Wolfpup and I just wanna say for the record I have been a donor this whole time so I was never avoiding autobalance. If teams were scrambled I never went out of my way to abuse to AFK system or left the server to rejoin any of the others I was previously playing with. As I know some of those I was playing with were guilty of this.

And to Vic-Dog, like I said, I never changed the way I was playing, I was simply playing with other guys who were good, I was always joining red like i usually did, playing demo or engineer most the time. We were never once raping the server with three medics kritzing one demo which I know a few people with whom this is the case and no one ever causes any drama over that. No rules broken. My name/avatar were the only issue at hand and both have been changed since then.

I never mentioned anything other than team stacking and re stacking after members in your group were re balanced. This happened regardless of the fact that the group was dominating the server and causing people to be pissed off. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/68998071668454991/31A6EC04D941C8E94531D556FCE6662D555B7D9A/