General Discussion / Thank you for helping start the servers
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:48:52 AM »
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you that come when I spam game invites to try and get the server going. (Or you simply see me on the server and join.)
I know it can be boring as hell but I do quite enjoy the chit chat/horsing around while we wait for it to populate.
As I mentioned to MiK (Man in Kilt) yesterday the reason I continue to play this game is because of those of you I play with. Some of you for years now, others more recently but I do enjoy playing with you all.
So yeah, thank you, and know it's greatly appreciated.
I know it can be boring as hell but I do quite enjoy the chit chat/horsing around while we wait for it to populate.
As I mentioned to MiK (Man in Kilt) yesterday the reason I continue to play this game is because of those of you I play with. Some of you for years now, others more recently but I do enjoy playing with you all.
So yeah, thank you, and know it's greatly appreciated.