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Messages - ChuckTucson

Pages: [1]
Payload Server / Server Commits Suicide - 4/22/2015 - 12:10 am
« on: April 22, 2016, 12:16:15 AM »
Votes for snowycoast - goes from 32/32 to 8/8

Payload Server / Best way to kill the payload server after 11PM PST
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:14:03 PM »
The best way to make 32 players completely fucking exit this server after 11PM Sunday-Thursday is to vote for a non-standard map. Nothing kills the server faster and forces me to fucking stupid shit Skial or TN faster than this. I have no idea how the standard maps are weighted in the votes, but it's completely stupid to vote for any non-standard map at this time. Guaranteed server killer. Votes should be heavily weighted to standard maps at this time, or even totally limited to them. People may bitch about badwater, but it fills the server. Beerbowl and Swiftwater don't. At all. 

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourselves
« on: October 01, 2013, 02:04:10 PM »
Hi, I'm Scott from orange county California. Cheers everyone.

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