After months of clues and hints, lines of codes referring to some mysterious horde mode, and model names such as
"scout_robot", Valve has unveiled their latest creation. Yes, it is
Mann vs. Machine, and yes, [dot]we want to kill some robots too![/dot]
We've decided this was the perfect opportunity to expand our TF2 reach from
Payload to
Reverse Payload. Instead of pushing the cart, you have to stop the robots from detonating their bomb. I mean, our community has a lot of experience with protecting the cart
(and pushing, lots of pushing), so it is fitting to have us host this new mode, isn't it?
Where are these servers?! Slow down, here they are: | MvM Public | West CoastUnfortunately (it's Valve we're talking about, there's always a problem), each MvM server requires
as much processing power as a full 32 player Payload server. We would love to host more MvM, but we had to limit ourselves to one (it was very hard, we're bad at limiting ourselves.) We have a [dot]
Public MvM[/dot] server ready! There will be robot killing for everybody!
You may post your suggestions and thoughts in the new MvM server board right here: CLICK.I hope you guys enjoy this new server and see you in-game
--killing lots and lots of robots!