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We are currently running 2 Team Fortress 2 32 slot Payload servers. The servers are located in Seattle, Washington.
You can join us by clicking the following links, or add us to your favorites! | Payload | West Coast [Stats]: IP:

October 29, 2013, 10:16:00 PM by Plasma
Views: 18120 | Comments: 28

Are you scared yet?!! ... No? Well, that's all I've got.
Yes, once again, Valve is back with Scream Fortress to celebrate Halloween with a redesigned map, the Witching Hour skeletons, deadly spells and +100 hats! All these new items come from the depths of the Steam workshop, where armies of flesh-eating zombies design new wearable horrors. Terrifying! ... Not at least a little bit spooked? No? Ah well, I give up.

Well, not completely. Here's what we have planned for this year's Scream Fortress!

Payload #2 will be renamed Halloween 24/7 (same IP!) and will play only Halloween maps. The new map this year is based on plr_hightower, renamed HellTower... [small]and it should keep the name all year long honestly[/small]. The server will be on a fixed mapcycle going through all previous event maps with HellTower every other map to make sure you wizard novices out there can earn all the new achievements and sweet sweet loot.

What about Payload #1, you say? Well, it too will be summoned to HellTower, just not too often. Payload #1 will stick to its regular "you vote for the next map" cycle, but HellTower has been added to the vote options every other map. Want to cast some spells in-between more serious games? Vote for HellTower!

TLDR: Play on the Halloween 24/7 server for non-stop Halloween madness. Play on Payload #1 for your regular programming with a side order of HellTower spellcasting frenzy.

Believe it or not, there's actual lore in TF2, and especially for Halloween events. I haven't really followed the details, BUT you can by following this link to the TF2 blog: It's something about old ghosts wanting to send each other to hell by pushing explosive carts.

Like last year, special gifts will spawn on HellTower. Each gift is spawned specifically for you an...
July 16, 2013, 02:49:45 PM by Plasma
Views: 26650 | Comments: 40

[dot][big]**THIS CONTEST IS NOW OVER!**[/big][/dot]

Summer is here! Yes, I see it outside my windows, and also because GabeN said it so. You're wondering, "what should I do? what would lord GabeN have me do?" And that giant ball of menacing fire looks so bright and hot. The only possible option is to remain indoors, in front of the soft glow of your LCD screen, playing video games. And Valve has you covered there once again, with plenty of deals and - and %.  Then we though: "Why should Valve be the only ones to have Summer Deals? We can do it too!"

And here's our [dot]master plan[/dot]:
For the next two weeks, we'll be showering our dear community members and players (that's you) with refreshing Donor memberships and delicious games to celebrate the holidays! Make sure to read the rules and tell all your friends about it!

To participate, please follow this link: and make sure you read the giveaway rules carefully. The winners will be picked randomly from the giveaway thread starting on July 22th to July 31st for the Grand Prize. You may register for the giveaway at any time until July 31st at 1:00PM Pacific Time. Enter the giveaway as soon as you can!

[dot]Prizes:[/dot] We will be giving away 9 months of Donor membership, games and a final Grand Mystery Prize on July 31st!

Do not post in this thead! The giveaway thread is here:

[dot]Good luck and happy holidays![/dot][/size]

PS: Obviously, our goal is to have you spend as much time as possible playing TF2 on our awesome servers, but don't tell anybody.

BONUS: IF we get more than 50 participants by the end of the giveaway (July 30th), we'll add another Grand Mystery Prize for July 31st. ...
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