Community Discussion > Suggestions

Autojoin Only

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YO! Sushi:

First off, please take a look at the pic I've added.
(No intention of accusing someone specifically, sorry if your name is shown in it)

As you can see, all of my hyperion friends are on the same team.
This CAN NOT happen if you don't pick the team on purpose.
Playing with friends on the same team is fun.
But, this is causing a problem.

I'd call it a "Teamstacking problem" here.
This is not new or unusual at all.
Those wearing the RNG tag tend to join the same team. (Just an expample, sorry :c)
Like they do, other hyperion regulars (of course, not everyone) do that.
When this happens, something start to change.
It is that one team keeps winning. (Yup, teamstack)
Nobody wants to keep losing.
And I don't want to play if either team is TOO GOOD since it's not even fun.
I feel it's fun when both teams are equal in "skill" and I don't mind if I lose.
How do you feel when you can clearly tell that your team is gonna lose?

What I see after the round end is ragequits.
Not just one or two players, like four or even more.
In the screenshot, there are 5 people in spec including me.
It's clear that they are unwilling to join blue "for some reason".
inb4 you call me a teamstacker: You won't see me playing with sofaking, mmm_cookies, ken, Rina etc x)

You might think forcing autojoin will lose player traffic.
But, as far as I know, if you keep letting people teamstack will also lose player trafic.
Note: (-TN-) server is forcing autojoin IIRC

However, as part of Donor memberships, those who donated should be able to pick a team to keep this awesome server running.
Also, "!Addbuddy" looks ok cause it only allows to players to play on the same team.
That won't be a problem.

Hoping nobody would say "Go play on other servers" or something like that.
This is a suggestion.
I like this server and would love to keep playing here.


You forgot Team EMC stacked.

It's called "not trying" not "stacking". I've seen people claiming stacking, when I was on the losing team, and I just had to look at the classes, and it was blatantly obvious why we where had nothing to do with stacking, but a lack of trying. There is a difference.

If one team (Blu in this case) has 3 medics, good balance of assault/support and the other, 1 or no medics, and say 1 or no engies...but 6 Spy-Pers, 3 scoots....what the hell do you expect? Of course Blu is going to blast through.

Why does EMC like to play together? Because we know we have each others backs....ya know, we try. I also like that most EMC people use their mics, again, they try...a big part of why I continue to play this cluster-frag of a game is because of the people, who use mics. I like the in-game banter along with the call outs.

So, again, I see no problem with "stacking"...just a lack of "trying". (If I haven't made it clear by now.)

Welcome to online gaming. Where your fun is based on other people.

Enforcer and I have actively tried to help teams that get rolled, by switching teams. I don't do it as much anymore because most of the time, I find the above. Why bother trying to help teams that don't help themselves?

YO! Sushi:
"It's called "not trying" not "stacking". I've seen people claiming stacking, when I was on the losing team, and I just had to look at the classes, and it was blatantly obvious why we where had nothing to do with stacking, but a lack of trying."
I see no definition of "stacking" in your comment. Did you just substitute the word or what?
To me, it looks like you are just trying to justify what you are doing (stacking).

If some players don't even try, does that mean other people on the same team also have to lose?
You can't force them to play harder.
You can't make them change their classes.
Get real.

This will make MORE people to join a better team.
The first thing you have to do to win *on this server* is join a better team?
That sounds really stupid.

Also, if you are 99% sure your team is going to lose, you would try "less harder" than when you are on the team which is probably going to win.

"Welcome to online gaming. Where your fun is based on other people."
If your fun is based on other people, teams should be made as fair as possible by forcing autojoin.
Or do you have any other way to do so if you are not "new" to online gaming?

edit: according to the urban dictionary
team stack: (Counter-Strike definition) Occurs when only one team (counter-terrorist or terrorist)has all the good players. When a player from the losing team joins the winning team, just so he or she doesn't lose.
(if counter-terrorists were winning) :xxxxx has joined the counter terrerist team:

Yeah, I really doubt the blue team is going to win (pic1).
You know that.
It's not cause that blue team isn't trying hard enough, but cause red team has good players.
Don't tell me you don't know those on the red are good or not.

And I even see people who go afk on purpose to join the other obviously "winning" team by making someone get autobalanced, which is a pain to see.
According to your opinion, we should be trying hard instead of doing such a thing, right?
Is it still justifiable?

You are welcome to your opinion, I just don't agree with it.


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