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Topics - torankusu

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So I've been letting people know for a while that our servers do not allow the dead to communicate with the living. I started doing this because people didn't notice that they weren't seeing dead players' chat or hearing them via voice chat while they were alive (even a couple regulars didn't realize this) and I didn't want them to get frustrated that no one was listening or let them continue to waste their time. People do it a lot, especially to give out spy warnings right after they die.

A couple reactions to this news were surprise that our server didn't have this enabled because "most servers do" (I don't know about most, but I know a lot of them do) and one person who used to play here more often even got mad about it. Well, he seemed mad -- he was swearing and talking about how stupid it was that we didn't have it enabled -- and he directed it at me (as if I had control over that).

Personally, I'm okay with how the server is right now, but I do like being able to communicate to the team when I'm dead. If there are any concerns about quickplay requirements, it looks like enabling alltalk doesn't affect quickplay, so since it's like a step down from alltalk, I think allowing players to hear/read dead players' chat will be okay.

Anyway, I try to encourage people to post on the forums about the stuff they mention to me, not only to get the forums a little busier, but also because I think it's important that their opinions get heard and not just by one admin (I mean whoever's in the server, not just me). xP They're not really doing it, though, so I'm posting this on their behalf. If we want more players to comment on this topic, I'll see about getting people in this thread.

Servers Feedback / Map votes.
« on: April 08, 2012, 10:55:57 AM »
Someone suggested to me last night that maybe we could change the order of the maps when the vote pop ups. Instead of having the next map at #4 (or a really popular one), we could have it at the bottom, so that people will be forced to read what they're voting for.

This person said that he doesn't really play in the Hyperion servers because of this (I kind of don't pay attention to this, but he also said because the maps seem shorter). I'm also posting this because I've seen some people make comments like, "Not ______ again" or "it's always the same x maps." As I play pretty often, I feel this way, too.

Servers Feedback / Admin chat.
« on: April 04, 2012, 07:42:47 PM »
The !request feature is advertised periodically in chat and I see that now we have the !revote tip added also. I was wondering we could throw another tip in for admin chat (starting a sentence with @ in team chat). I know sometimes people don't want to make their complaints public. Some people will IM me directly if we're already friends, but I don't expect people who are just starting to play in our server to add admins or to even know who they are.

Payload Server / Goldrush glitch?
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:50:42 AM »
I play engi a lot and at the last point in stage 3, when I'm red, I usually build my gun up on the second story platform near the door with my dispenser and tele on the inside. I noticed that within the last few days or so, I'm not able to build inside anymore. Is this something that you guys are able to control and have changed or is it messed up?

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