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Messages - crocodilefighter

Pages: [1]
Complains/Bans / Re: Recent bans were fair?
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:26:58 PM »
I will not be playing here because blatant admin abuse is tolerated and the admins are playing favorites. Enforcer and vhalin said sorry to eachother over steam after vhalin sent him a friends request and enforcer said "I'm sorry I'm being over sensitive because I've had a bad year due to my wife having cancer." Now this happens?

Please refund my $5 and add me to the ban list.

Complains/Bans / Re: Recent bans were fair?
« on: August 23, 2014, 12:24:49 AM »
Hey guys this is Boxing Kangaroo here. I'm a donator to this server, and similar to others I donated so that I could have priority access on HG so that I could play with my friends vhalin and sharpshot. They were recently permanently banned for being trolls, griefers and disrespecting admins without any evidence provided. Infact the only evidence that was provided in the last few weeks at all was evidence that enforcer abused his admin powers.

I donated to Hyperion to play with my friends, if my friends are going to be banned because enforcer has a problem with fake accents I'd like my $5 to be refunded.

I understand that a lot of you guys are upset, but for what? Enforcer talked to us and he's okay with the tag now and we're friends. He said he has to wait a while to get to know us before he invites us to the group to make it official.

What is this hazing you speak of? What is this cyber-bullying? Where is the proof, you're just gonna say you don't like us and that's why we should be banned?

-Boxing Kangaroo/Kangaroo Boxer

Complains/Bans / Re: ENC Team Stack
« on: August 22, 2014, 02:12:45 AM »
Can we just get rid of these people already? They're nothing but trolls, I've played with them twice and they're just trolling pricks. Their "leader" has impersonated Enforcer before (check his alias history) and we votebanned him for it. Can we please make it permanent?

This is simply not true, we don't troll anyone, and we certainly don't intend to troll anyone. I was there with you the last time you joined the server and we didn't say anything to you. Sometimes at the end of the round we type "EMC." You just instantly started insulting Crocodile Hunter without any of us saying anything to you. You told him his accent is bad, called him names, then laughed at him for getting banned. Now you have the audacity to complain here, calling us trolls. Crocodile Hunter even told Enforcer about it and he said that's just the kind of person you are, someone who gives people shit.

Crocodile Hunter{EMC}: ur m8 thanatos was giving me a hard time today :(
Enforcer{EMC}: well your gonna get that
Enforcer{EMC}: he gives all oof is a hard time

As far as team stacking goes, several people stack teams, look at Sofa for instance; every time he joins he stacks with Rina, Ken, Pickles and Cookies. RNG frequently end up on the same team as do Enforcer Mecal and wolfpup. We don't join the same team any more or less than we did before, its just now we have a theme so people notice it more. The only person we try to stack against is Sofa other than that we're usually pretty content with scrambles. Sometimes Crocodile Hunter ends up on the other team and when I don't want to play against him I tell him to leave; we live together, so I just start screaming hahaha.

-Kangaroo Boxer/Boxing Kangaroo

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