Natural Selection 2 > General Discussion

Balance Mod In Place

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Looks like NS2 Balance Test, Is now the Official NS2... How is everyones Thoughts on that?

I Personally, Like it except for the fact that It Seems a Bit Marine Based With the GL's, and The Fade being just destroyed (By removed the Old Shadowstep and Double Jump)

Unfortunately, I have been pretty busy lately, so I haven't had much chance to actually play NS2 for maybe 2 weeks :( So it's a bit hard to say right now if it's a good change or not. I've read the patch notes, and they changed a lot of stuff. It does seem to favor marines a bit when reading, but I'll have to play 250 to get a better idea.

Problem with NS2 is it's so difficult to balance properly. And a bit like Starcraft, just changing a few values here and there can affect the whole game a lot. I'm glad I'm not on the design team. I'm also a bit concerned about the decreasing player base. I keep looking at the steam stats, and every day, it seems to be going down. I hope the devs will do something, besides free weekends/sales as these events justs boost player count for a week and then it's over.

And maybe it's nostalgia talking, but I think I remember having more fun in NS1... maybe because it was a mod still in development and they were adding more and more features each time, a bit like the CounterStrike betas of the past. Ah well ;)

I readily accept changes made to NS because I know if they are complete crap they will revert. That said I think balance test mod is the single best thing to happen since dynamic infestation. The skulk movement is more enjoyable for me but less challenging. Its too easy to spam the jump key and strafe efficiently. I don't like the jump and wall interaction as you can slow yourself down by getting too close to a wall. It feels sticky. The fade is a different animal now and I hope acid rocket is seriously considered. Shadowstep is crap now as it kills momentum.

Oh yeah my biggest gripe is the onos. At biomass 9 and 3 Shell you only have 550 armor. The added health is a joke.

Yea, I keep hearing the changes made to the Fade are horrible. As for the Onos... it doesn't sound good either. Looks like marines were favored by this patch then. I miss some of the old NS1 abilities and weapons. Though the Exos are really cool.


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